Tuesday, May 5, 2009

On Depression - The Final Frontier


Depression.  Yes, I've been there.  No, it's not fun.  I'm not crazy, handicapped, or any other label that people like to stick on you.  Labels make you easier to accept without the need for real understanding.  If you must, label me Sean.

I've been dealing with depression for 40 years.  I know you've been there too, or are there now, maybe trying to find your way back out, or have just returned and are contemplating a little return visit soon.  This is a space to "get it all out", for those less comfortable with face to face discussions about the effects of their depression on themselves, their family, and friends.

Relate your stories, good or bad, sob the sobs, laugh the cackling "What the hell do I care, it can't any worse" laugh, and be kind.  Mean people suck, and are just creating their own hell for all eternity (see the Twilight Zone episode with John Aston).

I hate using the term 'depression' - it's such a depressing word.  My family uses the term "when you're sick", which is ok - it implies a need to take better care of myself, which is usually the case.  The rest of my family just thinks it's all in my head - of course it is, that's the problem!

It took thirty five years to come to terms with my depression.  I really thought this was my own little hell, and no one knew anything about it.  My dark little secret.  I've spent the last five years slowly regaining control of my life, and allowing my family to do the same.

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